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Names and likenesses of Russian Scientist Number 1, Russian Scientist Number 2, the
Bats From Hell, Lemmer, the fish, the English Peasant Boy, the Flaming Eyeball of Death, the Birthday
Cake, the Scissorman, the Piggy, the Farm, Neitzsche, Voltaire, the group of
scientists, Cliff (The mail guy from Cheers), the pie charts, Stephen from the Dell commercials,
the worm, Crazy Yelling Guy, the stick of coral, Little Boat Man, the pine tree, Bounce Boy,
the donkey, Gandalf, the cat tree, Mr. Bigfeet, Artie the Arsonist, the little girl, Stinky
Mayan Fish, Senator John McCain, the sledder, Willy Potato, falling dude, the Thermodynamics
Gang, Matchstick Man, Swish-head, the mug, the airplane wing, Louie the Lier, Fairness McGuy,
that fellow with the hat, Bigeye, the dead hexagon, Handfoot, the pile of rectangular solids,
the flappy bird, the twisty tree, you, the spikey tuber, the giant smuged napkin, the singing
monster with levitating eyeballs, the fork, Lava Lamp Man, the confetti, the door, the little
thing curled up in the corner, the turnup on a stick, the blimp, the apple, the gear, the
sock, the little hard-to-describe guy, the guy with a triangle on his head, the "with-it"
dealer, love, garzamorph number 1, the palindromic toothy monster, Walter Williams, sleepy
man, the rodent, the hardened criminal, the asymetrical monster, can't-keep-a-secret man,
the ferris wheel, the log, Pazani the Pixel, the Celibrated Leaky Family, Negative Rhino,
Walter and the food, the largest comma in the world, the tourist group, the other fishy,
the big purple iron, the braincloud, Evidence Eliminator, the XR7 Power Drill, the cannon,
the beaker full of some sort of chemical or something, the robot, The cute puppy, the
prosthetic brain, the happy antler-slug, the insect triangle, the ugly man with an ugly hat,
Brain-Separated Girl, the worn out hat or maybe a plate of food, Dean Trembly, monster version
squashy hat, the carrot, the character grinder, Stephanie Y, Last-Minute Charlie, the screaming
raisin man, the blind square-pusher, the floating eyeball, the abstract solid labeled "popcorn",
Pterabomberbug, the running glass of water, the happy triangle, the super-intelligent telepathic
sheep, the thing below the terrible thing, Indie Man, Eddie Campbell, the re-invented egg, the
secret of fire, the feet, the squids in paper bags, the mathematically precise cone, the key,
the hiccupping guy, the fountain, the little car made of anthrax, the telephone, the metaphorical
snail, the cracking roll of stuff, the hobbit snot, the eight incidental snowmen, Cap'n Purturd,
Cap'n Jellyway, Eight, Sergeant Happypants, the sea monkey operator, the L shaped TV, Hate, Name
Deleted, Dr. Pinkle, Tom, the broken piano, Alpha Centauri, the curved section of checkerboard
pipe, the little girl robot, the knower of the password, the venus flytrap, me, zoopeedoop the
flying wonder-snorkel, the five triangles, the shark, stand up comedian number 1, stand up
comedian number 2,
the escaped alien mental patient, the relatively giant robot, paint-by-numbers x-ray man,
easter-egghead, zog, the crying dog with a teapot on it's head, thought balloon boy, the
talking gear system, you again, the freeer of kites, hollow rectangle person, Quanto, me
again, the magical butler, the anti-social cretin, the letter A, Stupid Stu, the letter B,
the deadly rabbit, the raisin automation, the legless bat, the instructional stick figure entity,
the player (F1-Z), and Semaphore Snowman are copyright 2002 Jack Masters Productions.